Sunday, May 18, 2014

Hooray for Heroes

Stardate: -308622.22

Here in Fort Knox we have something that is worth more than gold...our soldiers.  I doubt there is a single person living in this community that has not been touched by the courage, commitment, and sacrifice of our military men and women.  So, as you can imagine, our "Hooray for Heroes" Day is a pretty big deal!

We honored not only the soldiers that give so much of themselves, but also their families that sacrifice just as much!

A crown and sash has no comparison to these heroes!  I am blessed and honored to live in a community with these fine people!  


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday's Woman

Stardate: -308633.72

I have been very honored by the media support of my title and platform this year!  When my girls see their picture in the newspaper, they are just that much more excited and encouraged!


 I would like to thank The News Enterprise for their support and honoring me as Wednesday's Woman!


I am also extremely excited to be partnering with the Kentucky Science Center this summer!  More information to follow, stay tuned! 
